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Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Kokand City Khokim Powers

Kokand city Khokim organizes the implementation of laws and acts of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions of higher bodies and the corresponding Kengash of people’s deputies;

takes measures related to the observance of public order and the fight against crime, ensuring the safety of citizens, protecting their rights and health, organizing work in case of natural disasters, epidemics and other extreme cases; considers and approves the maximum size of budgetary appropriations allocated from the city to territorial administrators of budgetary funds for drawing up a budget request;

submits to the Kokand Kengash of People’s Deputies the main directions of the economic and social development of the city, the corresponding draft of the local budget of the city, as well as a report on its implementation; submits reports to the Kokand Kengash of People’s Deputies on the most important and topical issues of the socio-economic development of the city;

submits for approval by the Kengash of people’s deputies decisions on the appointment and dismissal of deputy khokims and heads of structural divisions of the executive power; appoints and dismisses the heads of departments of the administration of the City Hallt;

controls the work of structural divisions of executive authorities, the heads of which are appointed and dismissed by the relevant Kengash of people’s deputies; in accordance with the procedure established by law, makes submissions on bringing officials to disciplinary responsibility for their failure to comply with the acts of the Kengash of People’s Deputies and city mayor;

considers applications and makes proposals for the awarding of state awards; acts as the official representative of Kokand in the republic and abroad; introduces decreasing and increasing coefficients to the established rates for individual taxes determined by legislation, taking into account the specifics of the city and place of business;

organizes the reception of the population, considers complaints, appeals and proposals of citizens:. In cases of gross violation by the owners and users of housing of the requirements for payment of utility bills and the payment of mandatory contributions, Kokand city Khokim, upon the proposal of utility providers or homeowners’ associations, go to court with claims to collect debts for utility bills and make mandatory contributions.

Kokand City Khokim also solves other issues related by legislation to his competence in planning, budget, finance, accounting, city property management and interaction with enterprises, institutions, organizations of various forms of ownership, agriculture, use of land and other natural resources, nature protection, construction, transport , road facilities and communications, communal, trade, social and cultural services, social protection of the population, ensuring the rule of law, law and order and security, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. According to: Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On state power at the local level“, article-25

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