Kokand business portal launched
To the attention of entrepreneurs who want to find new markets and export products abroad! The investment department of the Khokimiyat of Kokand informs you that the business portal of…
Official messages, appeals to the population of Kokand, proposals, notifications and announcements for citizens living in Kokand
To the attention of entrepreneurs who want to find new markets and export products abroad! The investment department of the Khokimiyat of Kokand informs you that the business portal of…
Dear fellow citizens! We invite you to take part in the “Save Aral” charity marathon, which will be held tomorrow, October 8! Anyone, regardless of age, can take part in…
Инсон организмининг 70 фоизи сувдан ташкил топган. Эрталаб туриб сув билан юзимизни ювамиз, чойнакка сув қўйиб, чой дамлаб ичамиз.
Қурилиш майдони 400 квадрат метр, инвестиция миқдори 10 млрд. сўм.
Видеокамераларда қайд этилган қоидабузарликлар учун жарималар қонунда белгиланган тартибда ундирилади.